Logical, considerate and reliable.

Kiel takes an empathetic and tailored approach to each and every clients situation, considering all factors financial and non financial, focusing on a true and logical outcome which delivers the ideal lifestyle and monetary result for his client.

Kiel’s high focus towards attention to detail is the centre of The Modern Way’s morals, where we pride ourselves on our Data Integrity and multi level review structure for all facets of our work.

Being a father of three, and a small business owner himself, Kiel knows what it’s like to walk in the shoes of modern family business owners as they navigate the increasingly complex world of business and family life.

Kiel is a firm believer of surrounding yourself with the right team in business, ensuring that you have access to an abundance of skilled and knowledgeable professionals to ensure your business success. Kiel refers to this as the small business ecosystem.

Kiel has built a reliable and knowledgeable team at The Modern Way, to ensure that he himself has the capacity of time for his clients when they need him, whether it be small business chats on the phone or strategic meetings in the boardroom.